Wednesday March 30, 2022, from 9.30 am at the Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Prague
The use of various types of information technology and systems in the management of companies and other organizations in spas, hospitality and tourism is now a natural thing. The questions asked therefore no longer concern "if" and "where", but mostly "how" and "with whom", with regard to their maximum contribution in terms of increasing the performance and competitiveness of individual entities. Executives responsible for marketing and sales, human resources management, finance, and the operation of accommodation, catering, and other sections, face a wide range of different types of systems and related services. These systems support effective management of the organization based on the principles of business intelligence or competitive integration and allow significant simplification and automation of selected processes.
The conference will answer plenty questions concerning the relevance and use of modern information technology and systems in companies and other organizations in spas, hospitality and tourism, and, at the same time, will also focus on other challenges related to the greater success of implementing such technologies in business processes and further development of such technologies on the part of their developers and suppliers. Dear colleagues, we would like to invite you to this all-day professional discussion, which will take place on
March 30, 2022, at the Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics
PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE PROGRAMME (more detailed program available in February) Conference Opening Ceremony 1. Plenary part 2. Panel discussion (Moderated by Ing. Štěpán Chalupa) 3. Professional sections Data and their use in tourism management New technologies for development (simulation, VR, AR, AI) New challenges for tourism 4. Gastronomic professional workshop Pairing cocktails with finger food Informal social gathering CONFERENCE APPLICATION FORM To register, fill in the application form. IMPORTANT DATES - Registration of participants till March 16, 2022 - Sending abstracts February 14, 2022 (extended to February 28,2022) - Sending conference papers March 16, 2022
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS The results of the conference will be presented in a reviewed conference electronic proceedings with papers in English with an assigned ISBN, which will be submitted for inclusion in the Thomson Reuters database – Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH). Selected papers from the conference will be offered for publication in reviewed journals Czech Hospitality and Tourism papers, Acta Academica Karviniensia and Ekonomická revue cestovného ruchu. Instructions for authors: Papers should be sent in English in accordance with the template and instructions for authors to the e-mail by March 16, 2022. Submission guidelines Template
CONFERENCE FEES - 1000 CZK participation in the conference - 2500 CZK publication of a paper in the proceedings with or without attendance at the conference - The conference is free of charge for members of the Partner Club and other IHME guests of honour. Please pay the participation fee to the account of the Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague 8, kept at Komerční banka Praha 9. - Account number 9256870297/0100 - Variable payment symbol 222 For payments from abroad: - IBAN CZ2801000000009256870297 - SWIFT code KOMBCZPPXXX - Variable payment symbol 222 TRANSPORT Metro „C“- station Kobylisy, then by bus no. 144 (approx. 7 minutes) or no. 177 (approx. 12 minutes) always to the final stop Poliklinika Mazurská GPS: 50°7'41.59" N, 14°24'37.55" E Parking of personal vehicles is possible in a limited number (approx. 25 places) in the IHME premises or it is possible to park in free places in the neighbouring streets.
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Doc. Ing. Jan Hán, Ph.D. Chairman of the Scientific Committee, Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Prague PhDr. Radmila Dluhošová, Ph.D. Head of Department, Institute of Gastronomy, Spa Management and Tourism, Silesian University Doc. Ing. Zuzana Tučková, Ph.D. Dean of the Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management, Tomas Bata University, Zlín Doc. Ing. Pavlína Pellešová, Ph.D. Head of Department, Department of Tourism and Leisure Activities, Silesian University Dr hab., prof. Izabela Michalska-Dudek Head of Marketing Department, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny Wroclaw Prof. Ing. Vanda Maráková Ph.D. Head of Department, Department of Tourism, Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica Doc. Ing. Jiří Patočka, CSc. Head of Department of Arts Management, University of Economics and Business, Prague Prof. Dr hab. Andrzej Rapacz Head of Department, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny Wroclaw ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Doc. Ing. Jan Hán, Ph.D. Chairman of the Scientific Committee, Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Prague PhDr. Radmila Dluhošová, Ph.D. Head of Department, Institute of Gastronomy, Spa Management and Tourism, Silesian University Doc. Ing. Pavlína Pellešová, Ph.D. Head of Department, Department of Tourism and Leisure Activities, Silesian University Prof. Ing. Vanda Maráková Ph.D. Head of Department, Department of Tourism, Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica Ing. Štěpán Chalupa Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing, Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Prague Prof. Dr hab. Andrzej Rapacz Head of Department, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny Wroclaw Ing. Barbora Komínková Institute of Hospitality Management and Economics, Prague